I came across this article that briefly attempted to answer why Police Officers weren’t shooting to injure suspects but rather, referencing recent news, have been shooting to kill them. I think it’s a fair question but it’s important to always know that we are outsiders looking in. If you’ve ever had to make a decision such as when you may have been in a car accident, and you needed to react quickly, you can see how in the moment you react based on what you know. That could mean that you’re relying on training you’ve had or that you may be forced to make a hasty decision with limited knowledge of the situation. In the moment anyone would make the best choice that they can, using the best information that they have available. Yet it’s not until after the fact that we can truly analyze the situation and decide if we made the right decision. What this article really brought to my attention is that often times in life we can find ourselves losing our perspective of life’s happenings. Once that has occurred it becomes all too easy to judge others for their actions in a difficult situation. I recognize that unless you have “been there” and “done that”, in the most literal sense of the phrases, then you can’t truly understand what someone has experienced. Thus, I’m not making an argument one way or another about the subject of this article, for I have not been there nor done that, but I am bring attention the fact that things may not be as they appear.