"This are the Reasons Why I Created this BLOG"

     1. It helps you learn new things

Blogging is about sharing what you see, or want to see, in the world. It’s about teaching or sharing what you know and what you, too, are learning. When you start a blog, you’ll find yourself always learning new things about your areas of interest so you can keep sharing without running dry of ideas.

 2. It makes you think clearer

The ability to think clearly and generate ideas is one of life’s most critical skills, yet one of the things you don’t get taught in school. Blogging fills that void, helping you grow your thinking muscles exponentially.You’ll learn to reflect deeply on your life, your relationships and your society.
             3. It helps you write better
Many things have boosted my writing Skills: essay contests, tapping from mentors, reading books, etc. But none of them has challenged me so consistently as blogging.That’s how inconsistency weakens your writing muscle, and that’s why blogging, which keeps you writing regularly, helps you write better.

4. It builds your confidence

Blogging helps you learn to voice your opinions, Like to be wrong and stop being so scared to make mistakes. With blogging, you learn to build your strength, and also admit and improve on your weaknesses. 

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