Monday, January 30, 2017


 Header - element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links. A header  element typically contains: one or more heading elements logo or icon.       

 Footer - The footer tag defines a footer for a document or section. A footer element should  contain information about its containing element. 

  Body - the body tag defines the document's body. The body element contains all the contents of an HTML  document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.

 Sidebar - a sidebar is a user interface element that displays a list of choices. It typically appears as a  column to the left of the main content, though it can appear on the right side as well.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Christmas vacation of Mine

Image may contain: drink and food

On the Day Before Christmas eve my mother went to the market to buy a food and gifts because my cousins will arrive at exactly 11 AM in the morning . and so that my mother is very stressed because she need to buy a lot of foods . But that time She went to the market my cousins and my uncle calls us and say that he and his/her children didn't Go in our house because of an emergency but I don't What happening to them . And so that my mother didn't buy much food . that's happening on my Christmas vacation .  

Shoot to kill

This blog is all about of the things happening in our country . Because of the drug user and pusher didn't stop taking drugs . that's why our president today PRES. RODRIGO DUTERTE decision to kill the pusher and user in our country to have a Good record and Good things to Other country make proud on what President do .